Bio-Rad iQ5 questions & answers

It supports the collection and analysis of real-time PCR data from the iQ5,
Question by javier 2043769891
June 26, 2024

Please, bear in mind that this software is discontinued and the manufacturer, BioRad, does not sell it anymore. This software was available in the past and I would very much appreciate is the link is restored. Thank you.

Rajesh Gupta
Answer by Rajesh Gupta

Unfortunately, the Bio-Rad iQ5 optical software is discontinued and no longer available for download from the manufacturer. It may be difficult to find a legitimate source for this software.

Pooja Bajaj
Answer by Pooja Bajaj

Unfortunately, I cannot provide direct download links to the Bio-Rad iQ5 software as it may be against copyright laws. However, you can try visiting the official Bio-Rad website or contacting their customer support for assistance in obtaining the software.

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Alternative downloads

Gene Runner

Easy-to-use DNA sequence analyzer program.

Expression Console

Supports Probe Set summarization and CHP file generation.

Bio-Plex Manager

Bio-Plex is a data analysis application for biological systems.